Ivan Calderon
Ivan Calderon
@Fercas123 & @joshwooding I have a question. When using the **mouse** and clicking the calendar button, shouldn't the focus ring be visible on the field on active state. Something like...
@Fercas123 a few comments below: - There is a difference in the date format. For instance, the placeholder format is "dd mmm yyyy". When typing/selecting a date it returns this...
@joshwooding, @mark-tate I ran a first [Design review](https://www.figma.com/design/iVb153RCmU5R7uvZ3ySPoR/Date-Picker?node-id=1970-15511&t=AtsIi9EKycE4OafN-1) of most of the [Date Picker examples](https://saltdesignsystem-git-add-children-support-to-da-8f5158-fed-team.vercel.app/salt/components/date-picker/examples#single) provided recently. Aren't we trying to tackle too many changes at a time? So far,...
@tomhazledine thank you for the updates. I just re-ran design review. There are still some details to be addressed. Please see unresolved challenges to the bottom of the [Design review](https://www.figma.com/design/r5jCbd7iFfiSGc9wvSfRWM/Stepped-Tracker?node-id=1143-4518&t=qUpJz9N2B1Mx5NUf-1)...
@bhoppers2008 is the above feedback something we should prioritize for the coming sprint? James Sol recently had a similar request while working in the Pepper Stepped Tracker.