Hello! I had extracted archive and made "sudo make install" after wich i now have Horcrux icon in my LMDE Linux menu, but when i push on it - nothing...
Hello! Your password manager is cool! I would like to suggest two features wich would be super nice to implement 1. Create Linux Windiws Mac version (finally with same functionality...
Dear developers! After installing "in one click" and easy to go ZeroTier in Windows me (and not only me) people for years have trying to solve bug with LMDE ,...
**Describe the bug** Hello! After i use ffshare for a single file - no problem to save it to SD card or local folder, but, if i choose **_multiple_** files...
_Hello!_ _Is it possible to ask make QR-generator inside .apk? So it is possible to send files from phone to PC_ _Thanks for your work!_
Hi! Is it possible to ask for android .apk version to send\recive files? Thanks!
Hello! I would like to ask, if that possible to add such cool functionality as described here used in Superbacked (can watch from 14:06 to save your time) -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bary2XghKjw...
Hello! I found bug with a scanner of QR codes: When i use my PC web-cam in offline mode without internet - it works straight forward and i can recive...
Hello! I found on site of quiet-js ([here](https://quiet.github.io/quiet-js/)) there's and option to send Images but Reciver doesn't work for me either from notebook or my android :( Anyone have same...
Hello! _I would like to thanks all team for work on Banan Split at first_ My proposal\qestion is: Can it possible to introduce inside Banana Split (or side project) something...