
Results 7 comments of iuserea

@chaoyanghe Could fedgkt algorithm be running with only 2 clients or even one client?I tried but I failed.

run_fedgkt.sh: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27194784/100565000-6e164500-32fd-11eb-9a38-45813d597d20.png)

main_fedgkt.py: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27194784/100565080-aa49a580-32fd-11eb-8ba9-555929b8620a.png)

CMD for 10 clients: sh run_FedGKT.sh 8 cifar10 homo 10 10 1 Adam 0.001 1 0 resnet56 fedml_resnet56_homo_cifar10 "./../../../data/cifar10" 64 10

The success flag I found is that b_all_received = True. When the process failed, it either failed in b_all_received = false or 'b_all_received' variable even didn't appear after all the...

When I set client/worker's number to 2,fedgkt algorithm will also create 8 processes which may result in the failure of itself. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27194784/100584190-b9911900-3326-11eb-94d0-4e4eea4711f1.png)

@chaoyanghe The -n option is not essential for training of two clients. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27194784/100850683-217a6780-34bf-11eb-8548-7f3b2d8640dd.png) The quesion is when training the two clients,the message below didn't appear. handle_message_receive_feature_and_logits_from_client add_model. index = 7