Mahmoud Hesham
Mahmoud Hesham
Download the latest version from here , it is fixed already:)
@vgpastor There is lots of spaghetti code and messy structures in the PRS my man. If he merges those prs it will turn into a mess , I have forked...
Lol this repo u sent was actually copied from - houseclub-updated - my repo in the first place
Someone uploaded the app already on google play and Google play took it down already.
> Can you drop apk with changes? Done with new features:)
Yep sure. It's added already , visit my repo releases section there are some new features added as well. Enjoy
Download the latest version from here , it is fixed already:)
You will have to logout and login again
Well. After investigation. I assume they ban Android accounts using the DEVICE_ID , yeah device id will tell if your device is iOS or android.