Kristian Dalmo Olsen

Results 20 comments of Kristian Dalmo Olsen

I just left another PR to support `aws_session_token`, saw this one and figured I'd leave my 2c: Personally, I don't think resources should encourage users to add privileges to the...

Thank you for the heads up! I have submitted the OSS registration form for this repository now and we'll see how it goes 🤞

Hi! I'm a bit confused by this @jhosteny: > We have some private repos that must use git instead of https. I thought the current configuration for `insteadOf` would replace...

Great to hear @jhosteny! >Is it possible that the subrepo in your e2e test can be made private to ensure this works correctly? Would that not make it hard for...

I think the change here looks reasonable, but considering that we are hitting the abuse rate limit I take that as an indication that we are doing something we should...

Checks seems to be reserved for Github Apps, so we'll probably need to support both checks and statuses API. Also it's been made available in the V4 API from the...

Thanks for raising the issue and all the debugging you have done! This issue is slightly related to, because I had to switch to using `CommittedDate` instead of `PushedDate`....

Thanks for filing the issue, finding a solution and submitting a PR! 👏 That being said, this all feels like a very hacky solution to me since we essentially end...

@insider89 - I think the following is the only workaround: > I'm leaning towards removing committed and always emitting the latest commit from all open PR's, which is what I...

Hi @esauser! Context in this resource is something we struggle with for backwards compatibility, since I made the mistake of adding a `concourse-ci/` prefix to the given context when starting...