Results 13 issues of Quan TRAN

`deploy` and `store deploy` have `--update` and `--replace` flags, which should be strictly exclusive to ensure consistency of these flags ## Current Behaviour Valid ``` --update=false --replace=true --update=true --replace=false --update=false...


Since Go module is experimental in 1.11, we should wait for 1.12 to have this feature as official. ## Expected Behaviour Go `module` will be used to keep track of...


In some test cases, we need to reset flags & args of the command in test. In the actual used technique, creating the command in global scope and initializes its...


I ran into this error, photo taken with Samsung Galaxy ``` 2021/05/01 23:30:17 Warning: no EXIF from test\20210330_002711.heic: error reading "meta" box: got box type "mdat" instead 2021/05/01 23:30:17 Failed...

## Description When dependencies/requirements are not changed, these build steps should be cached. ## Motivation and Context - [x] I have raised an issue to propose this change (https://github.com/openfaas/templates/issues/97) ##...

## Expected Behaviour When dependencies/requirements are not changed, these build steps should be cached. Pros: - build time is reduced - reduce Github rate-limit issues (when not providing a Github...

# Description Without debug ``` ./youtubedr-test.exe download -q hd1080 -m mp4 -d . "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ygf7pswuCZg" 64.00 KiB / 3.03 GiB 0 % [--------------------------------------------------------------] 0s ] 0.00 b/s ./youtubedr-test.exe download -q small...

# Description download cmd now accepts a playlist ID/URL and downloads all media in the playlist. ## Issues to fix Please link issues this PR will fix: \ \#_[issue number]_...

# Description Maybe useful to avoid using jq to reformat. Usage could be: ``` ./youtubedr download $(./youtubedr list --format video-ids) # or ./youtubedr list --format video-ids | ./youtubedr download ```...

Since a while I'm using a modified version which prints out like this, is it OK have this kind of info as output in --verbose (--debug) without HTTP debug and...