Haseeb Saeed
Haseeb Saeed
Hi, there I'm having some issues running this library on my ESP32. Does it work on your esp32? If yes then I need your help. Please contact me using this...
Hi, there I'm having some issues running this library on my ESP32. Does it worked on your esp. If yes then I need your help
@assafmo I'm also facing the same issue right now with Reactjs. Currently using `[email protected]`
Update: Solved by adding this section in package.json: ``` "browserslist": { "production": [ "chrome >= 67", "edge >= 79", "firefox >= 68", "opera >= 54", "safari >= 14" ], "development":...
> I'm facing the same issue with Reactjs. Adding browserslist didn't work. Is there any other solution? Try Updating to [email protected] or the latest one.
> Not working, can you please point me to any working example with react ? https://github.com/scrtlabs/SecretJS-Templates/tree/master/6_wallets/reactjs_keplr this doesn't work It's giving an error because the template's version is `secret@^1.3.0-beta.7` More...