Related: clickhouse-cpp conan issue
> Thank you very much , I will definitely test this feature when I get to this task Hope you'll find it usefull) Please keep in mind that although i...
Although there are some feature that are either absent or could be done better i'll call it a day for now. Features i'm talking about are: - Headers in Publish/Admin::...
@apolukhin this should be resolved by, although diagnostics for unsupported types could be improved
> Good afternoon. What are the plans to correct the behavior and is there any workaround at the moment? Out of curiosity - does this affect you in a measurable...
Добавить можно, и это должно быть относительно просто, т.к. параметры в драйвере кликхауса сериализуются в строки, из которых собирается итоговый запрос буквально через `fmt::format(...)`: ---------------- Думаю ParameterStore может быть...
Hi @aikawayataro! Yes, sorry, you're right of course, this is all about `GenericValue` destructor, i'll rename the issue accordingly, Indeed, this is not an issue with the `MemoryPoolAllocator`, however i...
Yes, the problem with `GenericDocument::Parse()` could be solved via SAX parsers, but this was merely an example, and the much broader problem is that a `GenericValue` could be destroyed recursively...
That's one way to solve this. Maybe mt19937 is an overkill here and some lighter PRNG would be better
Could you try with an odd number of ev-threads? - I think right now some setups don't play nicely with an even number of ev-threads (which we should fix somehow)