Results 7 comments of

Nope. Dropped working with the sensor.

I can confirm that the above solution of @canadaduane works. At least on Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 v2. This is in a combination of the OLED and the BME280. By...

Do you know of this tutorial?: Start with only the BME280 first. Then try the OLED without the BME280. When both run without the other, then try to connect...

Do you have the Docker containers running? - What comes out of the following in terminal: ``` docker ps ``` Have you started based the tutorial?... Have you during that...

Have you started the back-end as well as the front-end, next to also Docker containers? The front-end, alias http://localhost:3000, is started from the root folder of the project with of...

So the three endpoints run. That is nice. The errors you have now are related to the schema of prisma/graphql not fitting thee query - or the other way around....

I also have challenges with the data model in datamodel.prisma in the tutorial right now. It does not fit (The resolvers don't fit to the datamodel.prisma vice versa + etc.)....