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'Parsing Expression Grammar' toolkit for Cocoa/Objective-C
This records the position of the token within the current line.
This is a feature request. It would be nice if there were a command line app similar to `ParserGenApp`. This way XCode could be configured to automatically build the grammar...
I'm using PEGKit to make an iCalendar ([RFC 5545]( parser. It takes in a .ics file and reads it and will parse out the first class objects. I am running...
Tokens you get back include the delimiters. Generally, if its a comment, you know its delimited by /\* */. Similarly, if its a quoted string, you know its delimited by...
When there is a syntax error in `ParserGenApp` the app reports the wrong line number. I think it is of by the number of `@` blocks. This is an example...
When working with grammar in `ParserGenApp` it would be nice if the text view had line numbers so it is easier to identify which line has an error.
Carthage is a new dependency tool for iOS that is lighter that Cocoapods. To use it a shared iOS framework larget is required to download and compile PEGKit as a...
Move PKToken and PKTokenizerState internal declarations to +Subclass header files. This avoids repeating the same declarations for every subclass. This removes 28 blocks of duplicated declarations.
Implement parsing of UTF-8 characters when using streams for tokenization. [self unread] is used by many of the PKTokenizerState subclasses, so without this feature, tokenization of streams is basically useless....
Add a new feature to call `parser:willMatch:` or `parser:didMatch:` on the delegate whenever a rule is matched. This adds a new `PKParserDelegate` protocol, so that the selectors are declared (though...