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iCalendar grammar
I'm using PEGKit to make an iCalendar (RFC 5545) parser. It takes in a .ics file and reads it and will parse out the first class objects. I am running into an issue, however. How is one to handle EOFs? I'm having difficulty with this. My code gets stuck in an infinite loop when it finds them:
No viable alternative found in rule 'calprops'.
Line : 9223372036854775807
Near : «EOF» «EOF»
Found : «EOF»
Is there any handling of this? I've tried searching for EOF but with no luck.
This looks pretty old and I think PegKit did not handle this sort of parsing very well at the time. I am doing some very similar parsing in a DSL I am working on.
I found this post on StackOverflow to be very valuable when figuring out how to do that sort or parsing.
I would assume this issue can be closed since the StackOverFlow response from PegKit author has a good working example that is very easily adapted to iCal parsing.
It would be nice to have an iCal grammar as one of the samples.