Michael Stillwell
Michael Stillwell
Chrome doesn't implement this yet; see https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=939237 ("ServiceWorker registration fails on inner SXG").
Can you provide the commands you ran to install and compile the dependencies? Also, are you aware of the pre-built [command-line tool](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@ampproject/toolbox-cli#lint)? ```sh # install "amp" tool globally $ npm...
jest should work! Although, I don't think there's any particular portability issues with the code itself. The "test" script in `linter/package.json` is not portable, but that requires less effort to...
It turns out that the `# qqqqqq` workaround breaks exit status. So, either you get output on test failure, or exit status, but not both: ```sh $ ( echo -e...
Not quite sure of the relationship between this repo and Lexend, but Google say an italic version of Lexend [will be available Spring 2022 from Octavio Pardo](https://design.google/library/lexend-readability/).
I guess this came from https://github.com/google/github-owners-bot/blob/master/LICENSE? /cc @erwinmombay
Are multiple certificates absolutely necessary? I'm not sure if this will apply in this case, but a cert can typically cover multiple domains, and even span different TLDs. (And I...
@ymschaap not sure if this is what you’re after but there’s some rough patches to amppackager to make it support packaging static files here that might be useful to you:...
@twifkak Re "bug should live outside amppackager"--where would be a better place? I was thinking adding this feature would involve modifications the [transformer library](https://github.com/ampproject/amppackager/tree/releases/transformer) which is (at least currently) part...
@honeybadgerdontcare I think this should still be open--? My thinking around this matches https://github.com/ampproject/amppackager/issues/298#issuecomment-491125632: being able to perform this transformation is one of the (many!) things necessary to allow publishers...