
Results 15 comments of Tenfay

你好: 针对你提的问题,我可以回答你不是的。 如果你使用 Windows 电脑,那么你可以尝试使用 `VMware Workstation 15 Pro` 安装 `macOS Catalina 10.15.x` 虚拟机。你可以在网上找一下教程。 当然你拥有一台 macOS 设备最好不过了。 推荐以下仓库项目: - [OpenSource](https://github.com/dgynfi/OpenSource) - 分享Github优秀开源项目和主流开发使用的网站、解决问题方案收集以及学习网站或资料。 - [DYFStore](https://github.com/dgynfi/DYFStore) - A lightweight and easy-to-use iOS...

Sorry, it's necessary for me to explain every detail of the tutorial to everyone. You can only know the package part.

Sorry, please check the disclaimer.

You can refer to the following links: 1. https://www.52pojie.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=773878 2. https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5740542490?red_tag=1780007593

This plugin doesn't require a jailbreak environment.

你好, 我已经收到你的反馈。 具体沟通交流,请加我的QQ群:614799921。

可以尝试一下,分析扫码和确定登录都干了什么,调用了哪些接口,然后去 hook。

Please check the disclaimer: This plug-in is only for learning and communication. Please do not use it for illegal purposes or for any other commercial purposes! The users are requested...

NO, but there are packaged [dynamic libraries](https://github.com/dgynfi/WeChat_tweak/tree/master/Dynamic%20library).