Ivica Taseski
Ivica Taseski
Hey @piyushsingariya thanks for your feedback and help in making this connector more robust. I have linked a [PR](https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/pull/20172) that should fix the reported issue. Feel free to look into...
@hrvacadaIM it should fix the issue. The PR will be merged really soon so I don't think you need to go with the second option.
@Rhiyo @hrvacadaIM I'll look into this again today.
Hello everyone :wave: thanks for being patient! I have just pushed another commit in the PR which should address having reserved words and attribute names having special characters both in...
/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue > :clock2: connectors/destination-s3-glue https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/4067458942 > :white_check_mark: connectors/destination-s3-glue https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/4067458942 No Python unittests run > ### Build Passed Test summary info: ``` All Passed ```
/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue
/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue
/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue
/test connector=connectors/destination-selectdb > :clock2: connectors/destination-selectdb https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/3962689266 > :x: connectors/destination-selectdb https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/3962689266 > :bug: https://gradle.com/s/u3ywaqapp3x6u > ### Build Failed Test summary info: ``` Could not find result summary ```
@catpineapple can you provide us with the necessary configuration to run the acceptance tests or instructions on how to create an account for selectdb? The service seems to be in...