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destination-s3-glue: Add TableType and fix race condition

Open blarghmatey opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

  • The TableType attribute is not getting populated in the Glue catalog which has started to lead to errors when trying to query the table from e.g. Trino. The error message observed is Cannot invoke "String.equals(Object)" because "tableType" is null
  • There is a race condition in initializing the destination connector where a failure occurs if multiple connections attempt to initialize at the same time, because the test table that gets created is statically named. This adds a random suffix to the table to avoid that race condition.


Describe what the change is solving It helps to add screenshots if it affects the frontend.


Describe the solution

Recommended reading order

  2. y.python

🚨 User Impact 🚨

Are there any breaking changes? What is the end result perceived by the user? If yes, please merge this PR with the 🚨🚨 emoji so changelog authors can further highlight this if needed.

Pre-merge Checklist

Expand the relevant checklist and delete the others.

New Connector

Community member or Airbyter

  • [ ] Community member? Grant edit access to maintainers (instructions)
  • [ ] Secrets in the connector's spec are annotated with airbyte_secret
  • [ ] Unit & integration tests added and passing. Community members, please provide proof of success locally e.g: screenshot or copy-paste unit, integration, and acceptance test output. To run acceptance tests for a Python connector, follow instructions in the README. For java connectors run ./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:<name>:integrationTest.
  • [ ] Code reviews completed
  • [ ] Documentation updated
    • [ ] Connector's
    • [ ] Connector's See description and examples
    • [ ] docs/integrations/<source or destination>/<name>.md including changelog. See changelog example
    • [ ] docs/integrations/
    • [ ] airbyte-integrations/
  • [ ] PR name follows PR naming conventions


If this is a community PR, the Airbyte engineer reviewing this PR is responsible for the below items.

  • [ ] Create a non-forked branch based on this PR and test the below items on it
  • [ ] Build is successful
  • [ ] If new credentials are required for use in CI, add them to GSM. Instructions.
  • [ ] /test connector=connectors/<name> command is passing
  • [ ] New Connector version released on Dockerhub by running the /publish command described here
  • [ ] After the connector is published, connector added to connector index as described here
  • [ ] Seed specs have been re-generated by building the platform and committing the changes to the seed spec files, as described here
Updating a connector

Community member or Airbyter

  • [ ] Grant edit access to maintainers (instructions)
  • [ ] Secrets in the connector's spec are annotated with airbyte_secret
  • [ ] Unit & integration tests added and passing. Community members, please provide proof of success locally e.g: screenshot or copy-paste unit, integration, and acceptance test output. To run acceptance tests for a Python connector, follow instructions in the README. For java connectors run ./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:<name>:integrationTest.
  • [ ] Code reviews completed
  • [ ] Documentation updated
    • [ ] Connector's
    • [ ] Connector's See description and examples
    • [ ] Changelog updated in docs/integrations/<source or destination>/<name>.md including changelog. See changelog example
  • [ ] PR name follows PR naming conventions


If this is a community PR, the Airbyte engineer reviewing this PR is responsible for the below items.

  • [ ] Create a non-forked branch based on this PR and test the below items on it
  • [ ] Build is successful
  • [ ] If new credentials are required for use in CI, add them to GSM. Instructions.
  • [ ] /test connector=connectors/<name> command is passing
  • [ ] New Connector version released on Dockerhub and connector version bumped by running the /publish command described here
Connector Generator
  • [ ] Issue acceptance criteria met
  • [ ] PR name follows PR naming conventions
  • [ ] If adding a new generator, add it to the list of scaffold modules being tested
  • [ ] The generator test modules (all connectors with -scaffold in their name) have been updated with the latest scaffold by running ./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connector-templates:generator:testScaffoldTemplates then checking in your changes
  • [ ] Documentation which references the generator is updated as needed

blarghmatey avatar Feb 01 '23 17:02 blarghmatey

cc @itaseskii

blarghmatey avatar Feb 01 '23 17:02 blarghmatey

/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue

:clock2: connectors/destination-s3-glue :white_check_mark: connectors/destination-s3-glue No Python unittests run

Build Passed

Test summary info:

All Passed

itaseskii avatar Feb 01 '23 18:02 itaseskii

/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue

itaseskii avatar Feb 01 '23 19:02 itaseskii

/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue

itaseskii avatar Feb 01 '23 19:02 itaseskii

/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue

itaseskii avatar Feb 01 '23 20:02 itaseskii

/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue

:clock2: connectors/destination-s3-glue :white_check_mark: connectors/destination-s3-glue No Python unittests run

Build Passed

Test summary info:

All Passed

sajarin avatar Feb 03 '23 16:02 sajarin

Please hold on merging this. I have found a potential bug and am working on fixing it.

blarghmatey avatar Feb 03 '23 17:02 blarghmatey

Nevermind, false alarm. Please proceed with merging as you are ready and able :slightly_smiling_face:

blarghmatey avatar Feb 03 '23 17:02 blarghmatey

@sajarin @itaseskii what are the next steps here? Let me know if there's anything I can help with.

blarghmatey avatar Feb 03 '23 18:02 blarghmatey

@blarghmatey this looks good, the next steps here are to publish the connector and then merge it into master. I would run the action for the publishing but we have a code freeze in place until Monday so I won't be able to merge until then.

sajarin avatar Feb 03 '23 18:02 sajarin

@sajarin if you are able to publish the connector that would be perfect. I'm happy to wait for the code to merge as long as I can get the connector updated. Is that possible

blarghmatey avatar Feb 03 '23 19:02 blarghmatey

@sajarin can we get this released and merged today? Thanks!

blarghmatey avatar Feb 07 '23 13:02 blarghmatey

/test connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue

:clock2: connectors/destination-s3-glue :white_check_mark: connectors/destination-s3-glue No Python unittests run

Build Passed

Test summary info:

All Passed

sajarin avatar Feb 07 '23 16:02 sajarin

/publish connector=connectors/destination-s3-glue

:clock2: Publishing the following connectors:

Connector Did it publish? Were definitions generated?
connectors/destination-s3-glue :white_check_mark: :x:

if you have connectors that successfully published but failed definition generation, follow step 4 here ▶️

sajarin avatar Feb 07 '23 16:02 sajarin

@blarghmatey looks like I can't push to your branch can you follow step 4 from the instructions linked above and generate the definitions by editing the destination.yaml file and running the gradle command?

We can merge once the changes are committed and pushed. Thanks for being patient.

sajarin avatar Feb 07 '23 17:02 sajarin

Thanks for the PR @blarghmatey and thanks for the review @itaseskii

sajarin avatar Feb 08 '23 16:02 sajarin