Itamar Katz
Itamar Katz
Looking at the code in ``, I see that a float pointer is used to hold array of indices, for example line 727 has: `__global__ void kSelectRows(float* source, float* target,...
(This is not a problem in the algorithm per-se, but more a matter of code clarity. So I do not tag it as a bug) In the definition of the...
Related to **PyTorch/SpeechSynthesis/HiFiGAN** **Describe the bug** The class variable `lrelu_slope` is used in the class method `forward` but it is not defined. which raises an exception if HiFiGAN is trained...
It seems to me that the implementation of the Discriminator class has 2 issues: 1. The RNN should have the input parameter `batch_first` set to `True`, but it is not...
when indexing a gnumpy.garray using a tuple of 2 lists of indices, gnumpy's implementation of `__getitem__` method casts the lists to the native gpu data type which is 32 bit...