
Results 22 comments of itjunky

My solution is: ``` location ~\.(css|js|ico|gif|png)$ { root /usr/share/; } ``` Here i find it's 11,13,10 pins. But on my 16 srgments i see randomly moving. No one symbols =(

I have this one Thanks for your work and fun for find a way ;)

May be matrix but it's from 16 separate 8x8 led blocks connected in series

wow, it's library for X-segment displays... Before now i think and works only with 7-segments and doesn't know about another variants. Now i need to control a matrix, not x-segment...

Такое ощущение, что вместо URL пришли параметры

Да, я так и подумал про двухфакторку и уже отключил, но не помогло. И уже пытаюсь разобраться с модулем vk

You can modify code and add WinAPI calls for execute anything.

> I solved this problem by removing extra spaces Can you send PR for this fix?