I tried to build project from sources which is a staring point to extend features by myself but - as you said - Nemerle seems to be dead project. Finally...
Error is ``` 2>(1,1): Error : Ammy compilation error: Nemerle.Core.AssertionException: assertion failed in file Type\Member\Member.nitra, line 83: Property 'DotNet.Member.PropertySymbol.Type' is not set' w DotNet.Member.PropertySymbol.get_Type() w Ammy.Infrastructure.SymbolExtensions.GetMemberReturnType(DeclarationSymbol member, DependentPropertyEvalContext context) w...
Thank you for quick response. Checked in ver. 1.1.19. Now the code is converted into ``` ``` but namespace prefix for `DoubleValidation` is resolved as `xmlns:ns3="clr-namespace:AmmySidekick;assembly=AmmySidekick"` instead of `xmlns:ns1="clr-namespace:isukces.Wpf.Coolstuff;assembly=isukces.Wpf.Coolstuff"`.
Yes. I use C# 6/7 features. I spend some time and found that the exception throws because of dependency property that is under turned off compiler directive. ``` #if __DP__...
Not helped.
I had to suspend testing for a while. I'll give you feedback soon. I will try to prepare short project related to this issue.
NO_AMMY_UPDATE is really helpful. I also read [issue #41].
Probably in this case I can use normal binding. To be perfectly honest TemplateBinding is more efficient, so in general supporting TemplateBinding syntax will be valuable.
Do you plan new Nuget release?
Yes. Relations definition `language` is not well designed. We make definition is on storage level so we're involved in tuning foreign keys. I wish I could define relations on more...