Israel Lins Albuquerque

Results 13 comments of Israel Lins Albuquerque

I see it, but in that form have header data and query parameters!

I tried! ## Israel Lins Albuquerque Antes de imprimir, pense em sua responsabilidade com o MEIO AMBIENTE. Em 25/07/2013, às 10:37, Jeong YunWon [email protected] escreveu: > Isn't this not what...

Is wrong use only: const [refRightSection, rectRightSection] = useResizeObserver(); ?

Check the requirements.txt file: python-binance==1.0.12 sqlalchemy==1.4.15 schedule==1.1.0 apprise==0.9.2 Flask==1.1.2 gunicorn==20.1.0 flask-cors==3.0.10 flask-socketio==5.0.1 eventlet==0.30.2 python-socketio[client]==5.2.1 cachetools==4.2.2 sqlitedict==1.7.0 unicorn-binance-websocket-api==1.33.0 unicorn-fy==0.11.0 then run: `pip install -r requirements.txt`

Yes I'm using 3.8, on macOS the python 3.9 cause others errors.

At add this line rounded_from_coin_price = format(from_coin_price, '.20f').rstrip('0').rstrip('.') change the line 265 to"BUY QTY {order_quantity} of for price {rounded_from_coin_price}") change the line 275 to price=rounded_from_coin_price,