Richard O'flynn

Results 10 issues of Richard O'flynn

Nice work! Whats the challenge with implementing the refresh token? I'm assuming Github provides this and its just a need to intercept the request and proxy? If there are no...


Can we save them? Also templates would be nice!

Newish to all this, but my cloudformation templates typically build the roles for the lambda to execute under. The roles don't exist outside of this scope. Trying to use the...


Currently if you want to use a smelte component like a TextField or Button its not possible :( ``` { label: '', field: 'button', value: (v) => ? `DeActivate`...

If your form has just been server rendered and you initial bind the values to empty string, when a user starts to enter data into the form it will get...


There is a small mention of hot module loading - but not even sure if that is still working? however, any notable considerations between bundle size / browser support /...

help wanted
good first issue

I've been hacking your project over on my fork to get some things working as a proof of concept. Now I want to move my work over to production, and...

I'm using **vite-plug-pwa** to setup service workers. When I try to combine this plugin with **sveltekit-adapter-aws** ('edge-bundled'), I get a v8 JavasScript heap out of memory error. I can remove...


Do you know why event isn't logging? Seems similar to this persons query: But I thought these functions would automatically get setup with service roles that allow logging. Anyway,...