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Arduino Library for ICM20948 using DMP for i2c and SPI

Arduino ICM20948 DMP library

This repository contains a modified version of the ICM20948 library with extra functionality that InvenSense did not complete. It also includes an example project for running the ICM-20948 with Arduino or other Arduino compatible microcontrollers.

Thanks to the contributor of the original library


  • Communication over SPI and i2c
  • Original DMP firmware with 9DOF sensor fusion
  • Easy to set DMP settings
  • Provides Accel, Gyro, Mag as Calib, Uncalib and Raw
  • Provides Linear Accel, Gravity Vector, 6&9DoF Quaternion and Euler, Activity Recognition and Step Counter
  • The sensor is implemented as an Object by using the ArduinoICM20948 class (Check example)


Initialize the icm20948 Object

ArduinoICM20948 icm20948;

Initialize the icm20948 Settings

ArduinoICM20948Settings icmSettings =
  .i2c_speed = 400000,                // i2c clock speed
  .is_SPI = false,                    // Enable SPI, if disable use i2c
  .cs_pin = 10,                       // SPI chip select pin
  .spi_speed = 7000000,               // SPI clock speed in Hz, max speed is 7MHz
  .mode = 1,                          // 0 = low power mode, 1 = high performance mode
  .enable_gyroscope = true,           // Enables gyroscope output
  .enable_accelerometer = true,       // Enables accelerometer output
  .enable_magnetometer = true,        // Enables magnetometer output // Enables quaternion output
  .enable_gravity = true,             // Enables gravity vector output
  .enable_linearAcceleration = true,  // Enables linear acceleration output
  .enable_quaternion6 = true,         // Enables quaternion 6DOF output
  .enable_quaternion9 = true,         // Enables quaternion 9DOF output
  .enable_har = true,                 // Enables activity recognition
  .enable_steps = true,               // Enables step counter
  .gyroscope_frequency = 1,           // Max frequency = 225, min frequency = 1
  .accelerometer_frequency = 1,       // Max frequency = 225, min frequency = 1
  .magnetometer_frequency = 1,        // Max frequency = 70, min frequency = 1 
  .gravity_frequency = 1,             // Max frequency = 225, min frequency = 1
  .linearAcceleration_frequency = 1,  // Max frequency = 225, min frequency = 1
  .quaternion6_frequency = 50,        // Max frequency = 225, min frequency = 50
  .quaternion9_frequency = 50,        // Max frequency = 225, min frequency = 50
  .har_frequency = 50,                // Max frequency = 225, min frequency = 50
  .steps_frequency = 50               // Max frequency = 225, min frequency = 50  

Load the Settings to the icm20948 at setup


Call task to poll the sensor data for all enabled outputs - do this each time you require new data


Read desired output

icm20948.readGyroData(float *x, float *y, float *z)

icm20948.readAccelData(float *x, float *y, float *z)

icm20948.readMagData(float *x, float *y, float *z)

icm20948.readLinearAccelData(float* x, float* y, float* z)

icm20948.readGravData(float* x, float* y, float* z)

icm20948.readQuat6Data(float *w, float *x, float *y, float *z)

icm20948.readEuler6Data(float *roll, float *pitch, float *yaw)

icm20948.readQuat9Data(float* w, float* x, float* y, float* z)

icm20948.readEuler9Data(float* roll, float* pitch, float* yaw)

//pass char and returns with n = Nothing, d = Drive, w = Walk, r = Run, b = Bike, t = Tilt, s = Still
icm20948.readHarData(char* activity)

icm20948.readStepsData(unsigned long* step_count)


Contact at [email protected]

Feel free to give feedback and suggest changes.