I am using the Gerrit HTTP Credentials to connect to the server. According to the reverse proxy's log files, it seems that the plugin is trying 2 or 4 times...
First of all, thanks a lot for providing this great tool! When running in proxy mode, if the upstream server is not running during a request livereloadx crashes: it prints...
The following error message shows up in the tests run via the Docker image. ``` Step 10/20 : RUN ksh ./test/ ---> Running in ... ./test/[4]: internal error: j_async: bad...
The error can be reproduced with the integration test: In `src/it/xjc-main/pom.xml`, add `false` to the configuration (after `com.example.myschema`). With this, the integration test fails. If additionally `@project.version@` is replaced by...