**Describe the bug** **tabEndNewRow parameter**: When we specify if a tab-press by the user, after the last cell of the last row, will create a new row or not, this...
I am running into similar issues as mentioned in issue #49 and issue #316 with the error: "Failed to set eSpeak-ng voice" Anyways, I'm training a **Faroese** voice (, and...
I added initial support for Faroese language. Did the rules for most common phonetic rules that are in place for Faroese, and the ability to more easily make improvements to...
I am using the iOS app on my phone for Icelandic and Norwegian. I am currently trying to add Faroese to the espeak-ng official repo, in order to let the...
I have trained some Faroese voices using piper_train. The voices sound actually great, but the number-pronounciation rules that were present in the espeak-ng version that I trained on, are really...
I'm trying to train piper tts on a new language. I already added the Faroese (FO) variant to eSpeak-ng, but that version is not the one that gets downloaded when...