Ifeora Okechukwu

Results 23 comments of Ifeora Okechukwu

+1 I just realized this morning that ajax upload progress listener/handler were not working because of service-worker fetch implementations See: https://github.com/w3c/ServiceWorker/issues/1141 Could this be connect to this issue ?

Cool stuff, error (404) and success (200) callbacks, can't wait for the PR merge

@kofifus I have an implementation this on my fork of script.js. you can check it out by cloning the repo use the following code to async-ly load CSS ` $script.get("../path/to/css",...

though my implementation is unlike the **loadCSS** project by @scottjehl

supported even in IE6

@kofifus i don't have docs available for this implementation. I may just have to edit the README.md file a little in the comming days to give brief examples. there is...

I could work on this data-\* idea for the $script script tag... It's really neat! and again, it could also apply to script tags created and appended as deps by...

Already built in support for data-\* attributes on the script tag. However, i erroneously pushed this feature under a wrong issue title (#76). So i will push again under a...

Hey @enlait this is pretty easy to achieve with $script as well... see below: ``` javascript var $depFallbackList = { 'bready2':'http://cdn.store.com/.../B.js', 'acready2':['http://cdn.store.com/.../A.js', 'http://cdn.store.com/.../C.js'] }; $script(['A.js', 'C.js'], 'acready', function(){ $script('B.js', 'bready',...

@JustinTulloss can you fix the conflict on this PR so it gets a chance to be reviewed and included ? Cheers!!