Ismail Mayat
Ismail Mayat
When i try to extract pdf or word (only test those so far) I get the following error: ```TikaOnDotNet.TextExtraction.TextExtractionException: Extraction failed. ---> javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError: Provider not found at javax.xml.transform.FactoryFinder.newInstance(Class ,...
I have tests setup and the issue i have is they only pass when running in debug. Before tests run i populate index with a couple of documents then i...
Expected Behavior Tried to make calls to build and Get however get following error: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the...
James, Not really an issue more an observation, the multilingual content is all being stored in the one index and using the one analyser set in examine config. Issue with...
Hi Phil, Not an issue as such more a question. Any tips on setting up scheduled job to rebuild the index? Would we need to create and end point to...