Hu Hailin
Hu Hailin
I have the same issue. Any progress?
``` all works fine during the day without much load but as soon as we start passing any real amount of stats to it over night we start dropping metrics....
I have updated the binary file and it will be used for the scheduled backup. The issue does not always occur. For example, it ran successfully twice last week. I'll...
Hi @timvaillancourt, I'm not sure if it is a relevant issue, but our backup yesterday failed. ```` [2017-06-25 16:06:03,746] [INFO] [TailThread-3] [TailThread:status:86] Oplog tailer rs1/ip-10-1-16-77:27017 status: 166891 oplog changes, ts:...
Just FYI, it failed for the same reason again.
Hello @timvaillancourt Our data set grows up to about 3TB and I gave up to backup with mongodump. So I have no proper env to reproduce the issue, sorry.
I was bitten by the same issue when installing ruby 2.6.7 Yes, you need both `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` and `--with-openssl-dir=...`