Open3D copied to clipboard
0.15.1 build fails with 'fatal error: unzip.h: No such file' on Archlinux
- [X] I have searched for similar issues.
- [X] For Python issues, I have tested with the latest development wheel.
- [X] I have checked the release documentation and the latest documentation (for
Describe the issue
I was trying to build 0.15.1 on Archlinux however the build failed due to not finding unzip.h.
/home/zannzetsu/open3d/open3d/src/open3d/cpp/open3d/utility/ExtractZIP.cpp:34:10: fatal error: unzip.h: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
34 | #include <unzip.h>
I know that Archlinux support is on a best effort basis, please consider looking into this in a spare moment.
Steps to reproduce the bug
git clone
cd open3d
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir -p build
cd build
find ../ -name "CMakeLists.txt" -exec sed -i 's/-Werror//g' {} \;
cmake .. \
make -j 1
Error message
[ build git:(makepkg) |2] LANG=en_US make -j 1 [ 1%] Built target ext_assimp [ 2%] Built target ext_eigen [ 3%] Built target ext_nanoflann [ 4%] Built target ext_jsoncpp [ 4%] Built target open3d_downloads [ 4%] Built target 3rdparty_liblzf [ 5%] Built target ext_boringssl [ 6%] Built target ext_curl [ 6%] Built target 3rdparty_rply [ 7%] Built target 3rdparty_tinyfiledialogs [ 8%] Built target ext_tinygltf [ 9%] Built target ext_tinyobjloader [ 10%] Built target ext_qhull [ 13%] Built target 3rdparty_qhull_r [ 15%] Built target 3rdparty_qhullcpp [ 16%] Built target ext_fmt [ 17%] Built target ext_poisson [ 18%] Built target ext_imgui [ 18%] Built target 3rdparty_imgui [ 19%] Built target ext_filament [ 20%] Built target ext_zeromq [ 21%] Built target ext_cppzmq [ 22%] Built target ext_msgpack-c [ 23%] Built target ext_tbb [ 24%] Built target ext_parallelstl [ 25%] Built target ext_mkl_include [ 26%] Built target ext_mkl [ 27%] Built target ext_ippicv [ 28%] Built target ext_embree [ 29%] Built target ext_webrtc [ 30%] Built target ext_civetweb [ 30%] Built target copy_html_dir [ 30%] Built target ext_webrtc_all [ 31%] Built target webrtc_server [ 32%] Built target camera [ 39%] Built target core [ 39%] Built target data [ 43%] Built target geometry [ 48%] Built target io [ 49%] Built target ml_contrib [ 51%] Built target pipelines [ 52%] Built target tgeometry [ 53%] Built target tgeometry_kernel [ 55%] Built target tio [ 55%] Built target tpipelines [ 56%] Built target tpipelines_kernel [ 56%] Building CXX object cpp/open3d/utility/CMakeFiles/utility.dir/ExtractZIP.cpp.o /home/zannzetsu/open3d/open3d/src/open3d/cpp/open3d/utility/ExtractZIP.cpp:34:10: fatal error: unzip.h: No such file or directory 34 | #include <unzip.h> | ^~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make[2]: *** [cpp/open3d/utility/CMakeFiles/utility.dir/build.make:167: cpp/open3d/utility/CMakeFiles/utility.dir/ExtractZIP.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:2652: cpp/open3d/utility/CMakeFiles/utility.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2
Expected behavior
open3d should build without errors.
Open3D, Python and System information
- Operating system: Archlinux
- Python version: 3.10.2 (main, Jan 15 2022, 19:56:27) [GCC 11.1.0]
- Open3D version: Not applicable
- System architecture: x86
- Is this a remote workstation?: no
- How did you install Open3D?: build from source
- Compiler version (if built from source): gcc (GCC) 11.2.0
Additional information
Here is a list of 'unzip.h' on my box
[ build git:(makepkg) |130] find / -name unzip.h 2>/dev/null
Here is a compile_commands.json for ExtractZIP with paths that were searched. compile_commands.txt
Cmake output
[ build git:(makepkg) |0] cmake .. \
-- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to Release.
-- Downloading 3rdparty dependencies to /home/zannzetsu/open3d/open3d/src/open3d/3rdparty_downloads
-- Open3D 0.15.1+ed30e3b61
-- Using security hardening compiler flags: $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CUDA>:-Xcompiler=-fstack-protector-strong,-Wformat,-Wformat-security>;$<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:-fstack-protector-strong;-Wformat;-Wformat-security>
-- Using security hardening linker flags: $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CUDA>:-Xcompiler=-Wl,-z,noexecstack,-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now,$<$<STREQUAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:TYPE>,EXECUTABLE>:-pie>,$<$<CONFIG:Release>:LINKER:--strip-debug>>;$<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:-Wl,-z,noexecstack;-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now;$<$<STREQUAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:TYPE>,EXECUTABLE>:-pie>;$<$<CONFIG:Release>:LINKER:--strip-debug>>
-- Using security hardening compiler definitions: _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
-- Fetching ISPC compiler
-- Building with detected instruction sets
-- Using ISPC instruction sets: avx2-i32x8
-- Using installed third-party library 3rdparty_threads
-- Using installed third-party library 3rdparty_openmp
-- Building with OpenMP
-- Using installed third-party library 3rdparty_x11
-- Using installed third-party library 3rdparty_glew 2.2.0
-- Using installed third-party library 3rdparty_glfw 3.3.6
-- Using installed third-party library 3rdparty_jpeg 80
-- Using installed third-party library 3rdparty_png
-- Found pybind11: /usr/include (found version "2.9.1")
-- Using prebuilt third-party library Filament
-- GLIBC version 2.35 found: Using Open3D Filament binary.
-- Filament is located at /home/zannzetsu/open3d/open3d/src/open3d/build/filament/src/ext_filament
-- CLANG_LIBDIR: /usr/lib
-- CPP_LIBRARY: /usr/lib/
-- CPPABI_LIBRARY: /usr/lib/
-- Using installed third-party library 3rdparty_opengl
-- Using MKL to support BLAS and LAPACK functionalities.
-- IPP-ICV 2020.0.0 Gold available. Building interface wrappers IPP-IW.
-- Copying /home/zannzetsu/open3d/open3d/src/open3d/cpp/open3d/visualization/webrtc_server/html to /home/zannzetsu/open3d/open3d/src/open3d/build/bin/resources.
-- ================================================================================
-- Open3D 0.15.1 Configuration Summary
-- ================================================================================
-- Enabled Features:
-- OpenMP .................................. ON
-- Headless Rendering ...................... OFF
-- Azure Kinect Support .................... OFF
-- Intel RealSense Support ................. OFF
-- CUDA Support ............................ OFF
-- ISPC Support ............................ ON
-- Build GUI ............................... ON
-- Build WebRTC visualizer ................. ON
-- Build Shared Library .................... ON
-- Build Unit Tests ........................ OFF
-- Build Examples .......................... ON
-- Build Python Module ..................... ON
-- Build Jupyter Extension ................. OFF
-- Build TensorFlow Ops .................... OFF
-- Build PyTorch Ops ....................... OFF
-- Build Benchmarks ........................ OFF
-- Bundle Open3D-ML ........................ OFF
-- Force GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI= ............ 1
-- ================================================================================
-- Third-Party Dependencies:
-- Assimp .................................. yes (build from source)
-- BLAS .................................... yes
-- Eigen3 .................................. yes (build from source)
-- filament ................................ yes (build from source)
-- fmt ..................................... yes (build from source)
-- GLEW .................................... yes (v2.2.0)
-- GLFW .................................... yes (v3.3.6)
-- googletest .............................. no
-- imgui ................................... yes (build from source)
-- ippicv .................................. yes (build from source)
-- JPEG .................................... yes (v80)
-- jsoncpp ................................. yes (build from source)
-- liblzf .................................. yes (build from source)
-- msgpack ................................. yes (build from source)
-- nanoflann ............................... yes (build from source)
-- OpenGL .................................. yes
-- PNG ..................................... yes (v1.6.37)
-- qhullcpp ................................ yes (build from source)
-- librealsense ............................ no
-- TBB ..................................... yes (build from source)
-- tinyfiledialogs ......................... yes (build from source)
-- TinyGLTF ................................ yes (build from source)
-- tinyobjloader ........................... yes (build from source)
-- WebRTC .................................. yes (build from source)
-- ZeroMQ .................................. yes (build from source)
-- ================================================================================
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/zannzetsu/open3d/open3d/src/open3d/build
. We use a custom patched zlib
, which is then used by libpng
. If you use the system libpng
, the custom patched zlib
will not be used.
In fact, try to build with the default option first, without using any system libs.
We cannot guarantee the USE_SYSTEM_XXXX=ON
to work on every system, since each system may have different system dependencies installed. If you have to use USE_SYSTEM_XXXX=ON
, you may enable them one by one and test along the way to make sure that they are compatible.
The unzip.h
should be located in build/zlib/include/unzip.h
. The patch file is 3rdparty/zlib/0001-patch-zlib-to-enable-unzip.patch
@yxlao What is the advantage of your zlib over the official zlib?
similar for clean build on win10 now... ExtractZIP.cpp(34,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unzip.h': No such file or directory
Has this problem been resolved?
Cannot build on Windows 10 due to this fatal error. Can you please fix it?
I tried to avoid building zlib by enable USE_SYSTEM_PNG, because building zlib brings multiple defined symbol error.
Without building zlib, then has this cannot find "unzip.h" error.
I installed minizip using vspkg and follow all the CMAKE configs that official Open3D repository and @yxlao suggest, but doesn't work. Anyone fix it? Thank you :(
I'm using Windows 11 and VS 2022
It's at /usr/include/minizip/unzip.h