Alex Isken
Alex Isken
@lcolston08 , finished my review. Looks great - thank you!
@gitstart-sourcegraph , as a follow up to this task, can we please remove `lottie-web` based on your recommendation? We can consider it a new task. `lottie-web`: Can be removed. It's...
I think we can close this, @gitstart-sourcegraph ! I'll open a new task for the request in the comment above.
Internal draft:
FYI @bachidegli - would you like to contribute on this one?
@bachidegli No estimate, but it doesn't have any dependencies to publish. Just needs a tune up and then re-review. With the current Starship priorities, I'll probably be able to focus...
I'm pushing estimate publish date on this one to April 10. I don't have confidence in contributing pre-Starship. I will dig in more late March.
CC @kalanchan Teams have been asked to to add copy + images/gifs to this by Tuesday this week.
First draft from @taylorsperry is up and available at the link above. I've shared a first round of feedback with Taylor as well. Let's shoot to have this at "second...
This blog was initially built to be internal-facing (it's now in the handbook). Thorsten would like to turn it into a blog eventually, but it needs to be re-worked to...