Iskander Gaba
Iskander Gaba
Hello, I tried to run the testing on the ShapeNet pre-trained segmentation model that you provided. I followed all the instructions and ran the scripts to download and prepare the...
### Describe the bug When I set the system theme to be dark from sunset to sunrise, and set the DDG theme to system default, the app remains in light...
There is a typo in the `usr/share/man/man1/byobu-select-profile.1` and `usr/bin/` where the documentation mentions the argument `--hostnmae` instead of `--hostname`. The typo can be seen when executing the command `byobu-select-profile` without...
Hi, I am currently working on a literature preview project. Is it possible to provide the pre-trained models you used for us to test? Thank you in advance?
Hello @ariaghora! First, thank you for your work here. It surely has inspired me. I am the maintainer of a small Python package called `pyriodicity` that aims at providing the...