Mango AI

Results 11 issues of Mango AI

不同的模型 比如d0和d7 不能设置输入训练图片大小都是640*640吗?看代码只能逐渐增加尺寸,这是为什么呢?

If Implicit is used in the detection head, using pre-training weights, the training mAP has been fluctuating in the interval of 3e-06, why is this?

add shuffletransformer module


Hello author, if you run standard models such as yolov5m with your code, will the effect be exactly the same as running yolov5m with the official code? Or does your...

作者👋,请问2种输入不使用双模态图像,只使用RGB图像,分别输入 可以使用这个网络架构吗?

请问一下yolox里面使用半监督学习 主要是在哪些模块呢?

shu223/MLModelCamera May I ask which model of yolov5 should be used in this project? I try yolov5s.mlmodel, doesn't work,


作者你好👋,有个问题想问下,权重保存的 默认是保存每一轮 Epoch 的 *.pth,请问怎么设置只保存 和 的文件?因为硬盘容量有限。谢谢🙏作者