Hi. I'm having the same problem. torch = 1.8.0 torchvision = 0.9.0 python3.7.8, CUDA11.2, cudnn=8.1.1 The GPU used is RTX6000. Is it incompatible?
now, '284193,faa9000f2678b5e' is exists in two directories. ./CrowdHuman/train/Images/284193,faa9000f2678b5e.jpg ./CrowdHuman/train_val/Images/284193,faa9000f2678b5e.jpg Should I add it to other directories?
I try to opencv version3.4.4. However I don't show a blue circle stands for clickpoint. May I ask probable cause? But I get Homography matrix and Reprojection error:0.0000000000. I don't...
I referred and tried to set `calSel2dPtFlg` in the config file to 1. Then a new window popped out. But I don't show blue circles of 'how to use step3'...
Yes. I clicked on the new window that popped out.
Only the case of `o` when I press some buttons, pop out a new window without a colorful grid on the 3D plane. error message is Reprojection error.