
Results 11 comments of isag91

Muchas gracias @mbutel por el trabajo de revisión y la contribución a la iniciativa Programming Historian en español. Hola @jenniferisasi, en adelante asumo el papel de editora de esta lección....

Many thanks Liz ! I the author hereby grant a non-exclusive license to ProgHist Ltd to allow The Programming Historian English to publish the tutorial in this ticket (including abstract,...

@lizfischer Following the errors introduced by the combined method in one of the examples, I have been exploring another option to combine Tesseract and Google Vision. It's taking me some...

Hi Liz, Many thanks again for your great feedback, it is much appreciated. I have made substantial changes to the lesson as a result. I answer some of your comments...

@rccordell, many thanks for your great comments! I'm looking forward to working with your suggestions to improve the tutorial!

@cneud Many thanks for your thoughtful comments, they are much appreciated!

Many thanks for this very useful summary @lizfischer.

Hi Liz, Thanks for your patience. It's all done. In addition to your comments, I have reworded bits of the introduction to add some nuances on the purpose of this...

Hola @rivaquiroga y @jenniferisasi, ¿Estamos listos para empezar el proceso de revisión o mejor esperamos al código adicional?

Many thanks @anisa-hawes. The previous bio is fine too, there is no need to change it.