Isaac Jordan

Results 6 issues of Isaac Jordan

Exponential backoff is something recommended by Google to ensure handle high volume, rated-limited traffic. The algorithm is detailed here: I believe gmaps-api-net should have an automatic exponential backoff system...


The GeocodingRequest class is missing a couple optional parameters that Google specifies. These are the ones I think are missing: - result_type (should be a list of strings from an...


Is it possible to import profiles from a .razerchroma file? It looks like the file type is just an archive containing a couple XML files describing the key layouts. Profiles...

feature request

The $.toaster function only checks for whether the incoming parameter is an object. In the Usage section of the README it mentions that a string can be passed to use...

This will prevent OBS from changing scene while in a "Be Right Back" scene for example. Will require some thought in order to not impact latency of the script, since...


Hi there, this JS client seems to hang if there are ` "text": ""` spans in the response from Sanity API. The HTTP endpoint returns the below JSON fine, but...