如图所示,其上市日为1990/12/10,而1990/12/10-1991/01/03的日线数据完全没有,而每日指标(总股本,流通股本,自由股本)只有5条记录 ID:363061  
以000004.SZ 国网华安为例,取上市日期为开始上市第一天至2000年1月21日的daily_basic数据与pro_bar数据,daily_basic取出长度为3168,而pro_bar取出长度为2178,详情见图 id 363061 
Installing melotts, it required mecab-python3 == 1.0.5. However, I cannot install the version of mecab-python3, which is very weird, even my Windows has a vs2022 build tool. does anyone meet...
Today I want to try the 3D-pack nodes, my env is win11, rtx 4060, torch 2.3.0+cu121, python 3.11.9   so far so good till the installation is finished, and...
Installing melotts, it required mecab-python3 == 1.0.5. However, I cannot install the version of mecab-python3, which is very weird, even my Windows has a vs2022 build tool. Does anyone meet...
 After model-loading part when ran app.py, I got an unexpected network error, Error: Cannot connect to host localhost:1985 ssl:default, and aiortc\sdp.py got AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no...
 This error or bug is really weird, I have no idea how to solve this. any help will be appreciated.
 I am new here, and I have an unexpected error when starting ComfyUI. Thanks so much for helping me to solve this problem.