Nathaniel Irons
Nathaniel Irons
In PyInquirer, I'm benefiting from the ability to pass the same dict into prompt() that gets returned: ```python answers = prompt(questions, answers) ``` This lets me seed initial defaults from...
I'm trying to migrate code from PyInquirer, which leans on class-based validators. Here's an example, borrowing from ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 from InquirerPy import prompt from prompt_toolkit.validation import ValidationError, Validator...
Schemahero doesn't currently offer a method to manage database users, a hole that still has to be filled with imperative scripts. It's quite a lot to bite off, but would...
Using NNW 6.1.4 on macOS 13.6, I tried to add a subscription to, which failed with a "Feed not found" error. However, the page source, [captured here](, showed an...
Similarly to #1825, the [collectible for Chattering Bone]( references [item hash 568515759](, which is the version from Forsaken. Seems like it should reference [the new one from S21, item hash...
As seen in the screenshot below, running any command typically marks my windows as dirty, with the black dot in the red close button. Attempting to close them in...
I installed master/45995736 on OS X 10.8.5 today. I'm using ruby 1.9.3-p429 via rbenv, and when I try to run the crawler from the "rubycode" directory, I get a gem...
I'm 80% sure I know the Google account under which I filed a bunch of old radars, but its "My Radars" section is empty. Searching for "irons" only turns up...