Igor Rončević

Results 56 issues of Igor Rončević

The About Dialog should roughly look like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4142833/68305765-87bc6d00-00a8-11ea-8c73-9acb3eb5a742.png) The dialog cannot change its window size. Pick up a size that is not too small and not too big and...

help wanted
good first issue

# Acceptance Criteria - [ ] Create icon (#). - [ ] Add icon to Sharpen's menu on the Tools menu. - [ ] Add icon to Sharpen Results window:...


E.g. if the project sets the C# language version to 5.0 in its settings, the suggestions for e.g. version 7.0 will also be provided in the Sharpen Results window. We...


See if there is already an abstraction for it in the Roslyn or VS API.


help wanted
good first issue

- [ ] JavaScript - [ ] C - [ ] C++ - [ ] D - [ ] F# - [x] Python - [ ] Ruby - [ ]...

help wanted
good first issue

Clicking on the status bar item turns the Guns On and Off.

good first issue