James Stone

Results 14 issues of James Stone

The test `Sync_FailingReadsOnServerSide` in the sync test suite fails occasionally ([example](https://ci.realm.io/blue/organizations/jenkins/realm%2Frealm-core/detail/release%2F12.3.0/3/tests)), with an assertion failure: ``` Checking / checkMacOsRelease_Sync / Sync_FailingReadsOnServerSide – Sync_FailingReadsOnServerSide

The hang is waiting on a notification that is never fulfilled [here](https://github.com/realm/realm-core/blob/master/test/object-store/sync/flx_sync.cpp#L344). Upon investigation, it appears that there is a race on which subscription store instance has the notification added...

If the upgrade to a newer version (1.18.4 -> 1.18.5) is interrupted then an exception dialog is presented with an uncaught error see below. The interruption in this case is...


WIP ## ☑️ ToDos * [ ] 📝 Changelog update * [ ] 🚦 Tests (or not relevant) * [ ] C-API, if public C++ API changed.

cla: yes

## ☑️ ToDos * [ ] 📝 Changelog update * [ ] 🚦 Tests (or not relevant) * [ ] C-API, if public C++ API changed.

cla: yes

cla: yes

There was some issue a while back about large files on windows due to the size of `off_t` not matching `size_t` or something like that. This may have been fixed...


This moves much of the App specific functionality out of the SyncManager interface and redefines the relationships between SyncUser, and Sessions. This is a simplified version of https://github.com/realm/realm-core/pull/7216: - no...

cla: yes

We had a [crash](https://ci.realm.io/blue/organizations/jenkins/realm%2Frealm-core/detail/PR-6506/1/pipeline/) on CI: ``` 1: /Users/realm/workspace/realm_realm-core_PR-6506/src/realm/alloc_slab.cpp:892: [realm-core-13.9.1] Assertion failed: m_mappings.size() 1: 0 realm-tests 0x0000000110203dac _ZN5realm4utilL18terminate_internalERNSt3__118basic_stringstreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE + 28 1: 1 realm-tests 0x0000000110203cb1 _ZN5realm4util9terminateEPKcS2_lOSt16initializer_listINS0_9PrintableEE + 385 1: 2 realm-tests...