Hi, when I profile the gpu latency on Snapdragon888+ with tf2.7 benchmark_model you provided, the latency seems to be always zero. Is there any idea? Thank you in advance!
I set lr=1e-5, the weight of poseguider changed little comparing with initial, is this correct? or we just need to waiting for more steps?
I want to train on flicker8k dataset. Some error occur in '' when I using 'dataset_flickr8k.json'. The error is about no 'cocoid'. How to solve it? Do i need to...
Will you public for stage1?
Hi, fantastic work! is this work for any generic 3D object? When I input a cat image , the mesh result is just like a chair.
I input the rotmat directly into SMPLH handpose parameter, but it doesn't match. So how to trans the rotmat data?