Results 11 comments of Ian Rees

Hi @aborruso Hmm, this does appear to be an interesting problem. Thanks for creating an issue.,-80,20,80 works,-80,21,80 fails It seems to fail if x width > 180. I'll...

@drewda #1163 takes care of one type of bad trip - missing some required time points. I could add more types of bad trips, such as the referenced feed above...

Hello again @slvlirnoff ! I think the intention was 100m -- I will look into it and make an adjustment if necessary.

@doublestranded this is great - I am reading through the approach now. The new data importer currently uses simple linear interpolation to add distances and missing values, but when it...

Hi @denysvitali You are correct; the default ordering is based on the internal stop id. In the geometry query, I am applying an ordering by distance, but I mistakingly allow...

Hi @slvlirnoff. Hmm. I know that transitland might keep around old stop served_by route relationships, but I haven't seen it fail to create new ones. If this is the case...

@fattazzo Hi. Yes, you are correct that it is currently an exact match. I will see if we can change it to a "like" query, or add another query parameter...

You can generate the preview by running: ``` mkdir test; qlmanage -o test -p file.geojson ``` Which will create test/file.geojson.qlpreview. You can then open Preview.html with Firebug, etc. There is...

Can you run it a few times? Do you get the same result each time? If so, can you post the file you tested with, or you may send it...

I added a file to the repository, quicklookgeojson/test.geojson. Can you try this file with both Finder and qlmanage?