Isa Rebollido
Isa Rebollido
Hi! I managed to install in High Sierra with the comments from another users, but I am having an issue too with lblrtm. Whenever I try to run it, I...
I did install with sudo (I can't install otherwise), but changed the permissions afterwards so I could write on the folders with python. I used osxGNUsgl command (it would not...
I managed to reinstall without sudo (python install --force) and I also tried to compile with other compiler (it wouldn't work), but I still get the same error. It...
Hi! I gave up eventually, but I'll be happy to test the new pip installation :)
Hello, I'm having the same issue but with OSx High Sierra. I tried commenting the lines, but it doesn't solve anything. It is working in ubuntu though.
I tried. I also tried downloading the latest versions of both lblrtm and lnfl from here: I can compile lnfl, but not lblrtm. Do you think it has something...