Irfaq Syed

Results 7 issues of Irfaq Syed

Can we have a `setOptions` method? Here's the issue we ran into Just to set a proxy, we have to do so much. The options property doesn't have a...


So I'm using just the FadeTransition for my router view and I see this package injecting all the other transition styles even though I'm just importing one transition component.

What's the most efficient way to handle mass bans? Right now looping through all bannable models and then applying the ban is making 3 queries each (So if I was...


Wrong var name, Fixed to correct one.

This will most likely be an extension of this SDK. Some references to consider from the community. -


Hi, Is it possible you could add support for []( as one of the providers out of the box? That would be great and it doesn't require an API key.

Can we have some basic common tests in this skeleton to make things easier just like other classes? Just an idea. cc: @themsaid @freekmurze @mpociot Thoughts?