file_player_mulran copied to clipboard
No IMU and GPS data published over ROS
Hi all, I'd like to use this dataset for testing some algorithms. However I have a problem with IMU and GPS data: I have correctly downloaded KAIST02 data (I have tried also with KAIST03) and I followed the procedure explained in the video for setting up the folder correctly.
Then, I launched the file_player via:
roslaunch file_player file_player.launch
Looking at the ros topics, I can see that only the topics "/clock", "/os1_points" and "/radar/polar" are publishing data, all the other topics, even if listed from "rostopic list" do not publish any data. This means that neither IMU nor GPS are being published.
Can you please help me in solving this issue?
This is the folder structure that I've set up:
global_pose.csv sensor_data/ ---- data_stamp.csv ---- gps.csv ---- navtech_top_stamp.csv ---- ouster_front_stamp.csv ---- xsens_imu.csv ---- Ouster/ (which is full of .bin files) ---- radar/polar/ (which is full of .png files)
This is the output from the terminal after launching the file_player:
$ roslaunch file_player file_player.launch ... logging to /home/andrea/.ros/log/0dea8eaa-4288-11ee-bbec-3f6d2e2f7e9f/roslaunch-andrea-HP-ZBook-Ubuntu20v-52264.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt WARNING: disk usage in log directory [/home/andrea/.ros/log] is over 1GB. It's recommended that you use the 'rosclean' command.
started roslaunch server http://andrea-HP-ZBook-Ubuntu20v:42895/
- /rosdistro: noetic
- /rosversion: 1.16.0
NODES / file_player (file_player/file_player)
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [52283] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
setting /run_id to 0dea8eaa-4288-11ee-bbec-3f6d2e2f7e9f process[rosout-1]: started with pid [52304] started core service [/rosout] process[file_player-2]: started with pid [52307] Please check the file path. The input path is wrong (data_stamp.csv not exist) Stamp data are loaded Gps data are loaded IMU data are loaded
Working on ROS noetic and Ubuntu 20.04
Thanks in advance!