Results 105 comments of IOWEB TECHNOLOGIES

It's a long standing issue but since Magento 1.9 is checking for isSalable status of the product before showing in the catalog, no one notices this issue. However, as soon...

The problem is that sections used to do this regardless of other settings, yet containers lose this functionality. E.g I have a section that stretches in full width regardless of...

Hi my use case is fairly simple. My whole website needs to sort products by created_at descending and we did that. It works perfectly. However for a few categories we...

Let's say I have products 1-5 I want to sort like this in one category | Product ID | Created At | Position | |------------|-------------|----------| | Product 1 | 2024-02-17...

In terms of possible solutions, would it be possible to add a custom attribute in categories for the sort direction (by default) and have smile elastic suite solution honor this?

I think you missed the point the problem is not to add created at descending as the sorting. We did that. The problem is changing one category to position ascending...

Yes exactly adding this option solves the issue. But I want to make clear this was possible in default M2. The ability was lost due to the drag and drop...

Nope as there's no info from the devs to assist us . I actually moved to other migration tools for the data and keep this one for the settings

One additional problem in these conditions, if I added more than 15 manufacturers in the same clause ( the image has 5), the rule is not processed entirely.