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A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Results 408 ionic-framework issues
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It is convenient from the point of view when ios style need md style animation ( that would not copy the code in the application and always use the latest...

package: core

### Prerequisites - [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines]( - [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( - [X] I have searched for [existing issues]( that already...

package: core
type: bug

# Bug Report: Importing outer IonTabButton into IonTabBar does not render in React. **Ionic version:** [x] **5.x** (React) **Current behavior:** I am following the docs on creating the tabbar with...

package: react
type: bug

### Prerequisites - [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines]( - [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( - [X] I have searched for [existing issues]( that already...

bug: external

Issue number: # --------- ## What is the current behavior? ## What is the new behavior? - - - ## Does this introduce a breaking change? - [ ] Yes...

package: core

### Prerequisites - [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines]( - [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( - [X] I have searched for [existing issues]( that already...

package: core
type: bug

Issue number: N/A --------- ## What is the current behavior? The safe area defines the area within a view that isn't covered by a navigation bar, tab bar, toolbar, or...

package: core

## Pull request checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [x] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features) - [x] Docs...

package: core
package: angular
package: vue

Change gesture to allow draging when user overscroll Issue number: #24583 --------- ## What is the current behavior? As mentionned in [this comment]( on the issue [#24583]( Once you can...

package: core

Issue number: [#27614]( --------- ## What is the current behavior? `ion-reorder-group` (reorderable lists) only emit upon completion ## What is the new behavior? `ion-reorder-group` emits an ionItemMove event during dragging...

package: core
package: angular
package: vue