
Results 24 issues of ioleo

``` error{token} RAML section (resource) relativeUri violates: only lowercase letters and underscores allowed [url_lower] ``` This error occurs given such RAML: ``` # main.raml /users: !include resources/users.raml # users.raml...

In one of the responses I return a raw token: ``` eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIwMUgwRFFUOTA1UzJOMlI1Q0s3RDNLRzlaOSIsImlzcyI6ImtpcmluIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg0MDg4MzY2LCJleHAiOjE2ODQxNzQ3NjYsInJvbGVzIjpbImFjY2Vzc1Rva2VuIiwidXNlciIsImFkbWluIl0sInVzZXJJZCI6IjAxSDBESDZFN1hTUENQRDEyTU5WS0dKNFhOIn0.VDj6WivUEFZZPB_Z8kMnQJTR2S3AJDm7o_juxMvScwc ``` which for some reason, when deserializing on frontend, triggers this error: `DeserializerError(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown integer coding)` Experimenting a...

OpenCensus documentation is missing examples how to create Tracer and properly wire things to export into eg. Jaeger or Datadog.

good first issue

Add linux time command which allows measuring command execution time.

Lately on `app/console cache:clear` or `app/console cache:warmup` I am getting this error message: > PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class EnhancedProxy_73b88e6bf5989f9e4785cea753cad509a15376f1__CG__\JMS\SecurityExtraBundle\Tests\Functional\TestBundle\Controller\PostController in /symfony2-project/app/cache/de_/jms_diextra/lookup_method_classes/JMS-SecurityExtraBundle-Tests-Functional-TestBundle-Controller-PostController.php on line 11 However, that happens only...

[also asked on stackoverflow]( I want to validate a configuration file. One of the fields is "credentials" which should accept valid `JMS/SecurityExtraBundle` expression, eg. `isLocalUser()` or `canPublishNews(object)` or `hasRole('ROLE_API')` or...

Hi, I've got this function in my controller: ``` php

Fix #187 The length of the input should not really be validated in sanitizer, rather the whole HTTP request body should be constrained. This PR removes the troublesome constraint.

Next release of ZIO introduces [`assertCompiles`]( We should refactor current `AccessibleSpec` and `MockableSpec` tests to leverage `assertCompiles(...)` and `not(assertCompiles(...))`. > **Note:** this issue requires bumping the dependency on `zio-test` to...

good first issue

It would be great to see doobie integration (`Get` and `Put` instances for arbitrary newtypes).