JMSSecurityExtraBundle copied to clipboard
Bug in is_expr_granted
I've got this function in my controller:
/* use annotations to mark Route and Template */
public function myCustomAction()
// fetch my object
$myObject = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('someRepo')->find('somePK');
// this returns true
$test1 = $this->get('security.context')->isGranted(
array(new Expression('canEdit(object)')),
return array(
'test1' => $test1,
'myObject' => $myObject
But when I try to evaluate the same expression in twig template I'm getting diffrent resuts:
{% set test2 = is_expr_granted("canEdit(object)", myObject) %}
test1 (controller): {{ test1 ? 'true' : 'false' }}<br />
test2 (view): {{ test2 ? 'true' : 'false' }}
The result is:
test1 (controller): true
test2 (view): false
Why? The canEdit is a method in by custom expression evaluator class with a simple check if user has ROLE_X.