Alex Campos
Alex Campos
Just when i thought i found a way to develop azure functions with pwsh on Mac M1, i ran into this same issue :). Has anyone been able to find...
I can confirm this behavior on my end as well are there any known workarounds ?
One more piece of info to expand on the example provided by @ZanattaMichael as I *think* this could be related to assignment of a secure string vs the actual converto-securestring...
@TylerLeonhardt, gave this workaround a try but unless i am doing something wrong (i.e. my focus is on the wrong vscode window) I dont think pressing `Ctrl+C` twice helped getting...
@TylerLeonhardt once again thanks for your time at ignite, after coming back I tried with the Powershell (Preview) extension for vscode (on windows) and the work-around you mentioned seems to...
Any chance you we can get an update?
I agree with @kwill-MSFT , removing the "defaultProfile" or AzContext as a parameter is **NOT** a solution. We run our code in azure functions, and we need to be able...