Harish Toshniwal
Harish Toshniwal
Have used the GitHub desktop app for windows for quite a long time before switching to Ubuntu this year, so I could help with testing it out on Linux and...
@alexgiuvara described it really well, damn creative 💯
@Braunson thank you for considering to suggest features for this package :) And yes the first feature suggested by you is been mentioned in the [roadmap](https://github.com/lubusIN/laravel-decomposer#roadmap) . Can you explain...
@Braunson ok so what I have understood is that if the user is already using an error service, every time that service logs an error it logs the system report...
@ajitbohra yes I agree. Waiting for @Braunson 's reply so that if he has anything in mind like how he wanted to apply this feature as a user so I...
@REBELinBLUE this seems a better use case for one of the feature added in the [roadmap](https://github.com/lubusIN/laravel-decomposer#roadmap) that allows other packages/non-decomposer stats to be added in the system report. As you...
@Braunson seems like a very nice feature. Noted! Will keep you posted with the development progress of it for sure over here. Thanks much Braunson again :)
@xitude can you elaborate more on this?
@xitude I found it a bit overwhelming to understand with regards to the Markdown report already being generated that can be copied and used anywhere. Also in the next release...
@Braunson here you go [getReportArray](https://github.com/lubusIN/laravel-decomposer#helpers) with the v1.1 release :) , @REBELinBLUE working on adding extra checks, seems to be sorted for app users, just waiting to make it dynamic...