
Results 7 issues of intijk

Hi, I want to know could we add an option to keep the dom element when dispose is called? My dom is generated by a template system, and then bind...


Would you consider provide a typescript declaration file ? I tried many methods to import it in vue+typescirpt but failed.

Any documentation describe the difference?

```xml ``` query with "part:has(span)" works correct, returned 2nd part tag "part:not(:has(span))" returns empty, but correct one should return the first part tag.

In a c file, if there is a MACRO, when try Go to Definition of this macro, if current project is not the first one in window list, it will...

configuration file is a very simple type, for example, /etc/debconf.conf configuration lines are start with `#`. Remove empty line also good. Please consider implement it , appreciate :)

:new: enhancement

所有文件扔到$HOME 下? $HOME/.vim 下? $HOME/.nvim 下?