Hi - first thanks for your great work and for sharing it! I'm having the same issue as above and have - to some extent - tried to remove gasNedeed...
I discovered that the **gasNeeded** issue has been solved and no need to comment out the lines. Line 143 fixes the issue. The problem with my running the bot related...
Out of the box the pairs are BNB and BUSD I believe we need to add them to pairs.js as well as their contract address where that's relevant too. The...
> Where are you altering > Hi I met the same issue, you just maxing out the liquidity pools - try to lower the token borrow amount - test...
@magamagaman1 - I think we need to convert PDF to .txt files for this to work. BUT Why does autogpt look here for local files: /home/appuser/auto_gpt_workspace/ - this does not...